Hit a grand slam with your fans! Generate excitement, publicity, goodwill and fundraising. E-mail or call for more details!
Baseball Pitch - Give the fans a chance to pitch a baseball through a target hole at home plate. Throw from the pitcher's mound, second base, the outfield or wherever you want! Contestant must throw a strike.
Baseball Hits - Set up one or many target holes on the field and have your contestants try to hit the ball through the holes for a grand prize.
Choose a baseball event to happen during an inning, a game, a series or an entire season!- Grand Slam - No Hitter - Triple Play - The Cycle - Perfect Game - If your team comes through, with one or any of these heroics, your selected fan wins a grand prize of your choice.
Numbered Pitch - Choose a particular pitch during the game, if your team hits a home run on that pitch your fan walks away with a grand prize.
Score Prediction - Let a fan predict the outcome for a prize!