1.) 7-8-9-10 out of 10 SHOTs . RANDOMLY selected Contestant(s) makes
the Pre determined # of 3 Pointers within the Time allowed (24 - 25 - 30 seconds) and THEY WIN any designated prize award(s) Imaginable. 2.) 5 out of 10 3 POINTERS RANDOMLY selected Contestant(s)
can complete 5 out of 10 3 Point Shots. From 5 Pre-Selected 3-Point areas (2 balls placed at each)
or from 10 Pre-Selected 3-Point areas (1 ball placed at each) within the time allowed
(24 - 25 - 30 seconds) . . . or ANY Three Point Shooting Contest you can think of.
Halftime Promotion. Audience Fun. WIN any designated prize award(s).
Major Factors in the Calculation of our fee(s) (Information we will Need for a Precise Quote) are:
a.) $$ Value of Prize $$
b.) # of Contestants (generally one or 1 per game)
c.) Randomly Selected Contestants (officially registered or not officially registered contestants)
d.) Professional or semi pro college level players (generally) Ineligible or Eligible?
Minor Factors are:
a.) Potential # of Contestants and How selected
b.) statistical analysis
c.) other intangibles
d.) High School vs College vs NBA length Court distances
We will ALWAYS Supply you with a set of rules for your Specific Basketball Contest . . .
and Remember
Hole-In-Won.com is the # 1 Prize Insurance company in the USA. Charity Benefits and All Outing Preferred Pricing.