Lance Armstrong Prize Insurance Claim

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Lance Armstrong insurance denied claim

When we ( ) deny a claim which happens in 1 out of 10,000 events our side of the story is very simple " You are either on our side . . . or on the Lance Armstrong or Lance Armstrong Supporter side " and there have been many people who have taking up the Lance side for either cheap publicity, notoriety their livelihood depended on it, financial gain, hoodwinked or all of the above Lance Armstrong is a 'cold-hearted, elaborate' lie Lawsuits seeks the return of bonus money the firm paid Armstrong for winning the Tour in 2002, 2003 and 2004, as well as legal fees and interest. But for Armstrong, there is more at stake: The suit could also force him to testify under oath, which may expose him to criminal charges if he lies. Comments (6) BY MICHAEL O’KEEFFE / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2013, 1:06 AM 13 2 0 Print Lance Armstrong’s longtime agent, Bill Stapleton and Tailwind Sports, the company that managed his cycling team, are also named as defendants. LAURENT REBOURS/AP Lance Armstrong’s longtime agent, Bill Stapleton and Tailwind Sports, the company that managed his cycling team, are also named as defendants. Lance Armstrong perpetuated “the most outrageous, cold-hearted and elaborate lie in the history of sports,” and should pay SCA Promotions $12.1 million, according to a bombshell lawsuit filed Thursday by the Dallas-based company. The disgraced cyclist not only used banned drugs to win the Tour de France, but also lied when questioned under oath and attacked the company when it suggested he was not a clean rider.

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