www.Hole-in-WON.com - GOLF Quote Form
CASH - CARS - TRIPS - The Top Insurance Rates & Prize Packages NEW 2015 COMPLIMENTARY GIFTS . . . for ALL Golfers
PLUS we will ALWAYS add COMP
Tee Signs with sponsors names on ALL Signs with LOGO'sCOMP 100.00+ gifts for ALL golfers. COMP
Supplementary HIO Awards to cover ALL Par 3's. 36 WorldClass Choices that YOU Select.COMP
Sign Stakes. Ground Shipping INCLUDED. COMP
"Sponsored By" Signs, "Closest to the Pin" or "Long Drive" Signs in exchange of HIO signs
. . . EASY Golf Contest ADD-ONS and UPGRADES . . .
Putting Contests. Shootouts. Inside a Circle. Closest-to-the-Pin. Nerf Golf Ball Shots. Helicopter Ball Drops. Hole-in-Ones to PEBBLE BEACH - THE MASTERS - ST. ANDREWS - PINEHURST.
All Specialty Golf Contests.with Last Minute Turnaround ONE & ONLY in the GOLF INDUSTRY . . . 24 / 7 SERVICE . . .
203-219-3090 or VP@hole-in-WON.com
30 YEARS OF GOLF CONTEST EXPERIENCE +PLUS+ We Were the FIRST on the Internet and in the Golf Outing Industry . . . to Offer UNIQUE and SPECTACULAR GOLF Contest Awards. we Simply Beat ALL the Rest or Make it Hard for Other Golf Prize Awards to Compete If your Event is NOT Requesting or Using us you May be getting Played with Misinformation, Short Changed and Paying more.
Not your event or Advantage Hole in One insurance Coordinator this
year would you
. . . kindly pass this along . . . to this year's
event chairperson,
committee, sponsor or anyone that's involved in yours or any golf
As always . . . Best of Luck to You, Your Event and THANK YOU . . . WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS . . .
Please Contact us directly with ANY questions or Special Requests.