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# 1 Golf Cheater Montana Lance Armstrong of Golf |
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Troy Peissig
Missoula Montana June 27, 2014 Dear Mr. Peissig, Now that the dust has finally settled on our absurd golf contest squabble, it is now time to deal with the actual truth. Mr Peissig you are a fraud and a golf cheater, and I am tickled to finally unleash the facts about you and your illegitimate claims. As we both know and the everyday public will soon find out, you are not nor were ever eligible for Hole in One claims, your public interviews about being a golf coach as well as your facebook page that documents a Golf School of America status, exempts you from winning these awards. This is the commonest of knowledge amongst the PGA professional and ethical golfing world as well as the prize and contest industry. Basic Golf 101 if you want to call it that. You sir are a commonplace, garden variety sport rule breaker, and your fraud is not isolated solely to the previous paragraph. Please see the large association you are a member of at: At the start of our dispute, this membership was well known to me, but not so to the general public, nor at all to certain government officials. Because you took advantage of that window of naiveté, does not mean, a moment longer that you will ever be able to suppress these truths, walk away unscathed, whether your deceit was done blatantly or inadvertently is irrelevant to this matter. That naïve public as well as the handful of legal experts at the onset of our dispute are now a very different, well enlightened, well informed overwhelming consensus about and how contests, especially sports contests have basic rules that need to be followed, with contractual terms and standard conditions honored. Some of these previous experts today have moved on, some are embarrassed to have been on your side even for a minute, while a select few still try on occasion to talk to whomever will listen to their reasons of justification for taking on your rule-breaking one sided case or still trying to cover up their dumb moves, and indiscretions. The problem is that this overwhelming other side of evidence is well out of the starting gate . Do you need me to show you SOLID PROOF of an (after the event was over) “back-dated” check that CT officials buried which is the lynch pin for our and this whole case or other dubious documents that nervous officials are trying get suppressed by anyone and everyone that will foolishly listen to their fallacious analyses. You can clearly thank the Lance Armstrong confession, (and note that I denied his organization TailWind Sports prize request years before the public became aware of this as the facts I was privy to spoke for themselves as they do with your claim), this aforementioned web site as well as open minded clear thinking judiciaries, once presented with both sides, giving a simple easy consideration to what is a proper, fair and square contest, saw the light, rather than the blind seeking of publicity, press fanfare, votes, professional ambitions, succumbing to political pressures, the exploitation of power over golf ignorance, or jumping on a misguided one-sided sense of correctness bandwagon from a shoddy peer, without doing even a little prim due-diligence. So much so that the pervasive opinion has garnered statements from high ranking state and nationwide officials, such as “This case is solely a shakedown of Mr. Kolenda . . . we are just trying to get through it” “The state of _____________ is out of their expletive minds” even your Own Governor and Attorney Generals offices have opined “This case is an embarrassment and we want it off the books “. Why am I disclosing any of this insight at all to you, you may ask? It is to open you up to, what you are facing once the whole truth that your case is closer to the polar opposite of what has been presented up to this point, and of course I will be demanding monies returned and entitled to me, but you may have possibly been misguided in some way by zealous, fast and loose individuals, so I am giving you a short window of opportunity here and a small benefit of the doubt. You need to clearly understand that our issue has never been a “man bites dog” story nor part of some larger scheme of mischievous on goings that certain erroneous and embellishing grandstanding attorneys wanted to paint this into. This was part of tens of thousands of properly performed events over 25 years with 1000+ of fair and square honest winners receiving their just awards. Nor part of some regulatory impropriety, actually my previous company has garnered 100’s of awards with 1000’s of testimonials and satisfied clients statements payouts to parade in any courtroom for years to come, It was actually declared in a multi day hearing review of 10,000+ events 100% in compliance by these same regulators in 99.6% of the events and the other 0.4%, there needed to be multiple ambiguous moving parts fall in line in order to be even considered a remote violation in the minimalist of a state statute. So much ambiguity was within those moving parts that a first day law student would never ever think to present it, nor would anyone except a desperate for a dollar government ignoramus. The hearing highlighted witness after witness that trumpeted my professionalism large prize payouts and the hearing officer surmising a commendation that I ran a very serious and active business. And that final 0.4% has since been debunked. Shocked ? Were you “sold” something different by ________? Mr. Peissig in any way, you easily fall into the 99.6% and feel free to review the 1000+ pages of documents that I am referring to, NOT The Press Release Headlines from some politician or one of their stooges losing an election or a reckless spending regulatory board that when presented with a desperate economic downturn, were shocked to discovered they were in the financial death spiral, and looked anywhere for any dollar or simply knock yourself out with all the attorneys you can muster to try to find a defense within. I have never publicized these unique proprietary facts nor made any public statements on my behalf, and without this specific knowledge being made available it would be impossible to ascertain a just conclusion, but that old school legal Method of Operation of “no comment” will shortly take the place of an overly aggressive Press Release PR Campaign, interviews from the highest mountain top, Internet SEO and legal offensive, which I have every right to because it is all verified corroborated FOI truths. See a small sample: Mr. Troy Peissig, I am seeking the rightful return of your contest defrauded monies from me a.) $15,000.00 fraudulent contest winnings b.) $38.000.00 Attorney fees c.) $12,000.00 Costs and associated expenses with your fraud claim d.) $ 9120.00 Interest calculated @ 0.8% state allowance e.) GRAND TOTAL of $74,120.00 You don’t stand much of a chance here, because of what we now know, and even with the fully understandings that courtrooms can be a crap shoot, but that is only partly where this is going, I also I have at my fingertips every single business email in the state of Montana from my 25 year relationship with the World Chamber of Commerce where your defrauding facts and websites will be presented in an integral regular emails to. I have solid long standing relationships with the AP and 100’s of news sources. As well as a close personal and business relationships with every rip off whistle blower web site owner in the US that will post these web pages instantly, showing up close to #1 on google bing yahoo and more within a few short weeks. I own the URL rights to your name. access to 20,000 PRSA professionals that are familiar with this ass backwards story, whom in return will distribute amongst their local contacts solely with our stance and views, Millions of golfer emails clamoring for this story, more PR and Sports sites that have been clawing at me for years for my side of this story, 25+ years of a one of a kind expertise in Golf SEO, worldwide contacts, plus the intangibles that superior Montana state officials are not on your side anymore, including the many courts’ officials and the public that views how I have been wronged and are wide open to justifying that right. The world and Public Perception will be the glaring opposite in a very short time. You sir, I guarantee you will never win in the court of public opinion starting on the receipt of this notification. This is 10+ years of wrongful persecution of me coming at you, with 25 years of know how plus 15 years in the making, I also have a book in the works coming. Realistically, It will take you 10 years to even put a dent back into you and your family’s reputation. If you believe some past associate or a well-connected cohort in a high public place or a different state will bail you out, come to your defense, put a pause in anywhere here and/or if you are considering taking this deep in some fight or counter action, that will not be the case as they all have been rendered pretty much useless without having the “known” truth on their side or will be an ineffective impotent once the public is this tuned in. All of this is ready set and go and you have till August 1st to decide if you want to “man up” as they say like Lance Armstrong, admit your mistakes where upon I will let by-gone be by gone and stop the complete elimination of this train wreck for yours and halt the PR onslaught forever. Mr. Peissig you don’t deserve one dollar or accolade for your acts, sorry I did not make or establish these rules and all I am asking for is to be reimbursed for your falsehoods, NOT one extra dollar is including herein. No one is a winner here you are simply just the “lowest hanging fruit” as this non-fiction account finally comes out and overrides the fictional one, you are the easy one of the firsts of many additional lawsuits against all others involved in your “embarrassment of a case” with more lawsuits to involve you in, that will follow, if you want to maintain your stance. If you decide to not reach out and reason with this matter as of this due date, my attorneys will then be aggressively involved which nullifies this offer. All the aforementioned will be initiated and skyrockets your risks to include additional attorney fees, treble damages, defamation, loss of business accrued and more. This case will also be presented to AG Officials to pursue criminal fraud and larceny charges against you. You found a goose out there to pursue me and if you think or want to take a chance that there is no gander out there, knowing what we all now know, I personally would not recommend it in these desperate economic and PR monetary Seeking governmental times. Some of this as expected will be out of my control, as of August 2st and again all I am seeking is my returned monies, legal costs and expenses not a penny more with providing you a full unconditional releases. In closing I would like to quote The Babe after he hit his first Home Run “I am . . . . just getting started” and to you I suggest not staying in the game. Seriously yours, Kevin Kolenda kevinpenthouselawsuit@gmail.com |