Golf Tournament Formats CONTESTS "THE MOST POPULAR"
1.) SCRAMBLE. The Scramble is probably the most-common format for team tournaments.
It can be played by 2-, 3- or 4-person teams, and involves choosing the one best shot following every stroke, with each team member then playing again
from that one spot. Variants include the Texas Scramble and Florida Scramble.
Click the link for a more in-depth explanation, as you can do for each term listed here.. 2.) OLIVE TOSS or PAPER AIRPLANE TOSS. In a Best Ball tournament, all members of each team play their own balls on each hole.
At the completion of the hole, the lowest score among all team members serves as the team score. If there are four members on a team, and on the first hole those
four golfers score 4, 7, 6 and 5, the team score is 4, because that is best ball among the four players. When played by 2-person teams at match play,
best ball is known as fourball, one of the formats used at the Ryder Cup. 3.) MODIFIED STABLEFORD. A Modified Stableford competition can be played by individuals or as a team tournament.
In Modified Stableford, the idea is to have the highest score - because your score on each hole is worth a certain amount of points. A birdie, for example, might be worth 2 points.
Modified Stableford has been used
in several tour events over the years, including currently at the PGA Tour's Reno-Tahoe Open..
4.) PINEHURST also known as Chapman. When the Chapman System (a k a Pinehurst System) is the format for a tournament,
it means that 2-person teams will be competing. Chapman is really a melding of several formats into one. In a Chapman event, teammates switch balls after their tee shots,
select the one best ball after their second shots, then play alternate shot until the ball is holed.
5.) MONEY BALL or PINK BALL. Money Ball is a familiar format that is known by many different names,
such as Lone Ranger, Devil Ball, Pink Lady and Yellow Ball. Whatever you call it, it puts the onus on one player per team per hole to come through with a good score.
Players in a group of four rotate playing the "money ball." On each hole, the score of the golfer whose turn it is to play the money ball is combined with the low score
of the other three team members for the team score. (The "money ball" is usually metaphorical, but some tournaments might require golfers to use a specific ball for the money ball.
For example, the golfer on the spot might have to play a yellow ball to stand out from his teammates.) . 6.) PEORIA. The Peoria System is a sort of 1-day handicap system for a stroke play tournament
in which most of the players do not have established handicaps. It allows all players to, following the round, deduce something resembling
a handicap allowance and apply it to their scores. Peoria involves totaling your score on preselected (but secret, until after the round) holes,
then doing some multiplication and division. It allows large groups of golfers without handicaps to compete on a roughly even basis. .
7.) HANDICAPPED SCRAMBLE by TEAM. This HANDICAP System is a quasi-handicapping system that
can be employed for a stroke play event in which most of the participants HAVE handicaps or AVG SCore. CONTACT US for the CHART
The System +'s or -'s strokes based on Team Talent. Be prepared for a ANY TEAM CAN WIN and CLOSE SCORING with TIES
8.) CALLAWAY.Like Peoria, the Callaway System is a quasi-handicapping system
that can be employed for a stroke play event in which most of the particants do not have handicaps.
The Callaway System involves consulting a chart following the round to determine a handicap deduction and handicap allowance..
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